Cabaret Club Czar, you have the option to give your Platinum Hostess special training. well, they reveal that it's actually related to the rest of the game. The following is IGNs guide to Ai Special Training in Yakuza. In fact, the problems only start at the literal end of shinada's part, when. yes, even shinada - who i found uniquely charming as a character (somehow striking a perfect balance between "deadbeat scumbag" and "charming fuckup who just can't get it together) as he and his new loan shark BFF get wrapped up in a massive conspiracy that seems completely unrelated to the rest of the game. I found each individual story pretty engaging and compelling, and they all seemed to end with some indication as to how everything was going to tie together. saejima's section is probably the exception, with its bizarre structure, but i still enjoyed it. The main story isn't much longer than the average yakuza game, and it paces that extra length out by having a bunch of new environments to explore and characters to play as. 2 3 Award Favorite Share Finding a Hostess The very first thing that the South Island manager asks for is for you to find a prospect.

lord knows i'd rather drive a taxi than do yakuza 4's awful fucking hostess builder (and then subsequently visit those hostesses as kiryu at the literal end of the game). Once the two of you sit down, the first thing the hostess asks is if you want a drink and food.
Yakuza 4 hostess left series#
do they mean it has too much side content? you can skip side content, and plenty of other games in the series are just as bloated as Y5 in that regard, with the added consequence of their side content being trash.

Yakuza 0 - Substories: The Shrink-Wrapped Dream An innocent-looking boy asks Kiryu to buy from a super cool vending machine in a back alley. Not really sure what the criticism is when people say it's "bloated". 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next Aarglefarg Member 3,694 151 In Yakuza 0, Kiryu buys an adult magazine for a very young child and gives him advice on hiding it. For my money, yakuza 5 is the third-best game in the series (behind 0 and 7) and is only really dragged down by how much of a titanic clusterfuck the ending is